Saturday 20 August 2011

A 33-year- old Stalker has been Ordered to Stay away from Bieber Ex-BABY, Jasmine Villegas, for the Next 3 Years

The 33-year-old man stalker, STEVEN CRINTON who threatened to rape and kill Justin Bieber’s EX-BABY Jasmine Villegas  has been ordered to stay the hell away from her for the next three years … reports
Jasmine Villegas – who started to become popular through Justin’s “BABY” video — had already obtained a temporary restraining order against Steven Cintron after he posted several alarming YouTube videos, containing numerous violent threats.
Now, an L.A. Superior Court judge has extended the order — requiring Cintron to stay at least 100 yards away from Jasmine for the next three years. Cintron is also banned from posting any more videos about Jasmine Villegas.
Hopefully, the creeper gets the message!

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